This new book describes a new theory on how gum disease bacteria may cause heart disease.
“The Stealth Killer” by William D. Nordquist, BS, DMD, MS uncovers the missing link between gum disease and heart disease, as well as other systemic inflammatory diseases including; Alzheimer’s, diabetes, premature births, autoimmune diseases, and cancer.
Dr. Nordquist is a San Diego dentist, who specializes in dental implants, ongoing research on gum disease and specifically the bacteria, spirochetes, that causes many chronic inflammatory diseases. His book is simply written, easy to understand, and written in a friendly, story-telling style for the general public.
He explains his story and his ongoing research on a bacteria that acts like no other dental bacteria. A bacteria that can penetrate tissue and cells, transform into super-resistant cyst and spore states, and causes inflammation in many distant parts of the body.
If his theory is true, this could be the cause of all the disease listed above and more. It could lead to the cure for many of these diseases and save trillions in health care costs. He explains why 80% of the population seems to have these bacteria and why you need to find a dentist that can help you control and eliminate these bacteria. He explains why you need a dentist that uses a phase contrast microscope to diagnosis your gum disease and one that knows the techniques of office and home care to treat these bacteria.
I highly recommend this book and his follow-up book, “The Silent Saboteurs“, written with David J. Krutchkoff, DDS, MS to all my patients and anyone wanting to avoid chronic inflammatory diseases. They can be found at or . We also have a copy at the office, for reading in the reception room’s patient library.
Stay tune for the other spirochete blogs for more information on treating these gum disease bugs and their link to implant failures.