Thomas A. Braun, a pharmacist and health educator has a health article in the new Townsend Letter issue that gives his formula, N2E+, for stopping cancer and the root causes for most of our nation’s health problems.
The formula stands for nutrition, nutrients, and exercise and is explained in his informative website, , book “N2E+ for Life“, and videos. His mission is to bring health education to the community by engaging the citizens through health assessment and health education forums presented by health professionals who are dedicated to helping the community live a long , healthy life.
You can read his short article, on the way to stop cancer, in my office’s reception room. It details a solution to educate the American public on the need to reject foods that are nutritionally deficient, avoid toxins in our foods and environment, staying physically active and fit, and avoiding stress. He gives a great emphasis on maintaining adequate levels of Vitamin D and consuming nutrient rich foods.
Check out his great website, books and videos to help educate you and your family on ways to stay healthy and fit for life.
“To your Optimal Health and Vitality with Beautiful Smiles”
Rev. Dr. Stephen A. Lawrence